Pesach. One Word.

Pesach, One Word.

What would be one singular word to express the value and the meaning of Pesach?  The word is COMPASSION. 

The Maharal explains that the entire concept of Pesach is because G-D was Pasach (jumped) over the houses of the Jews during the 10th plague. The verse is explicit how G-D skipped over the Jewish homes. But the word itself needs translation. The Aramaic Onkelus translates the word as chayas, which means compassion or mercy. This means that because of what we did in Egypt, in following G-D’s command to slaughter the sheep and spread the blood on the doorposts, because of that, G-D had compassion upon us and skipped over the Jews’ houses. 

This means that throughout the Seder one should recognize the compassion that G-D has on us, and in turn we should develop that compassion towards others. 

Where do you see G-D’s compassion to you in your life?

In what area do you think you could increase your compassion on others?